Words, more Sounds and Signs, Doings..

Trying to keep up with the lad..

I vacationed for a few days and came back and his voice was deeper and his features more developed. The morphing that takes place right before my eyes but I don’t see it unless I don’t.. amazing.

This morning I opened the door to look outside, he pointed outdoors and said “Da”, I suppose because he associates outdoors with me since I walk him occasionally, and when I closed the door he cried. He wouldn’t have staying inside (not that I necessarily wanted him to), so I took him for a walk – that made him happy again.

If you set him in front of a clip from LADY AND THE TRAMP of the doggie being introduced to a newborn babe in a crib (thanks to my sister-in-law for sending that clip), at the sight of the dog he squeals a high pitch of joy, says “Da! Da!.. ” repeatedly, and makes the sign for dog (patting his thigh as to beckon a dog). Unless you’re trying to videotape him doing this and he senses the performance pressure. I’ll make another attempt at taping this without pressure, just all candid-like..

Mom holds him above obstructions to look at me and he beams and giggles.

This past month or so he crawls up to the Spider Man Ride-On toy (a little push-car he can sit on – a Christmas find from a sibling), hoists himself up to stand alongside it, presses the button on the steering wheel to play the gingle: “SPIDER MAN, SPIDER MAN.. nothing can stop the amazing wall-crawler!” – smiles, and wiggles his knees and bum up and down in a dance. He does the same for the other steering wheel button which says “My spidey sense is tingling!” – and presses either over and over.

For the sound of a bear, gorrilla, aligator, or monster he’ll do a chest-growled but rhaspy “RRaah!” – so bear is both just a chest grunt and that.

He does a car sound: BVVVVVVBBBBVVV. He picked that up after just one demonstration from me.

He says dog (da) ball (ba), dada, mama, banana (nana), cheerios (dcheess) this (deez) that (dat), grandpa (bapa), SPIDER MAN (bai-man!), and dam, the last of which we properly don’t know what it applies to.. yeah, maybe it’s one of those first things they pick up from you and shouldn’t have.

He signs music, light, dog, elephant, baby, bed (rarely), and waves bye-bye. To sign music he’ll sometimes use one arm like conducting, and at other times hold both hands together and wiggle his arms abruptly back and forth and all around, with this open-eyed, concerted look on his face.. funny.

He’s been pointing for maybe a month. If you amuse him he might point at you and laugh. That’s rather culturally taboo isn’t it? I like it though.

He’s had four teeth in for some time.

Wilderness Sojourns

Two full moons ago, on Jan 17th:

We took him out accross the lake to listen to the wind and waves and see the city by night this last full moon (after a cousin’s wedding) – just as the moon came up over the mountain. He stared at the moon. He loved all of it and cried when we put him back in the car.

[That’s from one of my emails]

Recently we took him to a man-made pond in a business park in Spanish Fork to see (and feed) ducks. He loved it. He was more excited by a dog who happened to be there, and made his little “Wwwfh! Wwwfh!” barking sounds and the dog sign in American Sign Language (which I hope to note next entry).

More recently I took him on a walk when it was very wintry, and hummed holiday tunes (not carols). He imitated me somewhat melodically with “ba-ba-ba-da..” etc. He loves just riding in the stroller looking at the scene. The stroller and I were caked with snow – he not so much. Little bright red nose though in his bundle of clothes.

I just backposted an exploring mythology I wrote when he was six months old. .. He deserves more wilderness exploration than we give him by far.

Gallery 8 – At 10 months and with great grandpa

It’s apparent in these he’s having a hard time with naps, poor guy.

He has started saying and trying to say many words. His favorite, which he utters just for the phonetic pleasure, is “Bop” over and over. .. I dont remember the many words this moment – most of them are animals. He’ll let you know about a dirty diaper though, with “pboop-pboop.”

The Love of God

Yesterday morning his mother needed to leave for an hour for a school errand and I was left to listen to him howling in his crib for his morning nap as if Hell itself had descended on him. It struck me with guilt for my negligence of him in previous days. Of course the guilt made me wonder if his howling was in any way related to my negligence. When the crying went beyond the rationally tolerable (maybe past half an hour) and it was apparent he was not going to sleep on his own, I entered his room, told him I was sorry, picked him up, he calmed down, and I wiped his tears and proceeded shushing and rocking him. He looked out the bedroom door for his mother, but as I sang to him his lullaby (also too oft neglected beyond his first few months of life, though I use others), he relaxed more.

The guilt and holding him and wanting to comfort him moved me to pray just enough for him to hear [should I be confessing this to The Internet? – too late!], which relaxed him further, and soon and too my surprise he fell asleep on my shoulder, the first this had happened also for far too long (four months? six?) – or at least, I miss it, because our practice is to put him in his crib and let him cry himself to sleep, which is a practice my heart disagrees with.

I went to silent praying, and after standing for a long while rocking him in his sleep I moved him to my arms at my chest, and he stayed asleep. I sat in the rocking chair and rocked him and looked at him as I prayed. I found myself praying for more charity for this kid, and at the very moment I started this prayer, he laughed in his sleep and smiled for a short while, and then returned to ordinary sleep. My prayer was in his dream. It reminded me of Nephi’s dream, or vision:

And I looked and beheld the virgin again, bearing a child in her arms. And the angel said unto me: Behold the Lamb of God, yea, even the Son of the Eternal Father! Knowest thou the meaning of the tree which thy father saw? And I answered him, saying: Yea, it is the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men; wherefore, it is the most desirable above all things. And he spake unto me, saying: Yea, and the most joyous to the soul. –1 Nephi 11:20-23

It also reminds me of this:

Dream, dream, dream, of the joyous day to come
While guardian angels without number
Watch you as you sweetly slumber.. – Verse from a translation of the Austrian Christmas carol Still, Still, Still

As I went for my scriptures to find the verses above, though I knew generally where to look for this (Nephi’s books), the first page I opened to was the very verses. A bit of Mormon cultural mythology is that if you just open your scriptures to something it will be exactly the right verse for you..

Be with Me

Tia pulled me into his room while he was sleeping yesterday and indicated his crib. There in the dark, bunched up on his fours with his limbs curled under him, he slept on the breast of the Lioness.

Animal Sounds

He has learned to respond to many words in the past month — He’ll make the correct sounds for book, ball, Mamma, Dadda, and Grampa! [Alex’s inserted comment: for Grandpa, he’ll say in a sharp, short, urgent, agitated voice, “Hey!” No, there is no sound for book, Grandpa, or ball. But he tries to say the words]. He likes to make lion, elephant, cat, and monkey noises when you talk to him about those animals. His lion noise is a french gutteral RRRR, modeled after Alex’s Tigger impression. His stuffed lioness toy inspired this.

[Alex: He also makes these sounds when he sees depictions of these animals or stuffed animals. This morning I took him out and he saw a neighbor walking a dog. He flapped his arms and went “Da!” and started making something between a little and barking sound over and over again. – “Hmm! Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!”]


If I play the song I mentioned last entry, I get a hug. The hug lasts a while but ends too soon (most of them do), so I stop the song, start it over again, and I get another hug. I could do this over and over again.


Yesterday morning I played “I have a song” (one of me and Tia’s songs in the sense of “our song”), from the album Sesame Street: In Harmony and he lay his head on my shoulder, and I sang to him, and we danced.

This is heaven on earth.

I have song
I think it’s a song that’s about you
I have a song
I think it’s a song about somebody who
Can see a cloud go drifting by
Feel the very same as I

I have song
I think it’s a song that’s about you

I have a dream
I think it’s a dream maybe you have too
I have a dream
A wonderful dream about somebody who
I think would really like to know
The part of me I’m scared to show

I have a dream
I think it’s a dream maybe you have too

I have a hope
I think it’s a hope that I share with you
I have a hope
A wonderful hope about somebody who
Believes in love, believes in me
Believes in how good life can be

I have a hope
I think it’s a hope that I share with you

Tia recently told me he was “eating it up” as he and I were dancing cheek to cheek to “You’ll be in my Heart” (Phil Collins – the rock version), another of our songs.

In Harmony has a mix of very weird songs with great ones, and I recomment it. I don’t recommend the second album I linked, just the single from it.

Little bear

Last entry I’d forgotten to say a few days before I was reading Good Morning P.B Bear to Mago. This has pictures of a large teddy bear/kid. In the middle of my reading Mago put out his little index finger and placed it on a teensy teddy bear, much smaller than the little boy bear, hiding in the image. I forgot that tiny bear hid in each image. Mago is smarter than me in some ways already.

I have a little bear I read a story of a little bear to and the little bear in the story has a little bear. The kids’ kids’ kid effect makes me think too soon of being a great-grandfather, let alone a grandfather.

Tia said two days ago that Mago was petting the lioness stuffed animal in his crib after he woke up, and that when she put him down for one nap he lay on his back, well awake and contended, and said “Ma-mu” and that was that.

He frequently tries to make the rolling “g” sound I sometimes make for a lion growl and it comes out a more breathy “hhhhhhhhh.”

Sounds, updates

Here are some audio files (plus some other ones) of him I recently said I’d post.

First here he is ooing and cooing I think a month or so ago.. at mabye 7 or 8 months old (~ 1 minute).

And here he is with me bearing zurbets, and growling and grunting back and forth with me (~ 2.5 minutes). In one part you can hear him make a very low repeated chest grunt in a duet with me. This and the following are all at 9 months old –

Singing (~ 2 minutes), bouncing (~ 1.5 minutes), and exhuberantly bearing my tickling (~ 1 minute).

He has four front teeth – two top and bottom. He has had the extra two since.. two weeks or so? We thought just a third was coming in and the fourth came really fast.

Yesterday he bit my nose and cheek affectionately. When he wakes up sometimes he’ll go for the stuffed animals just out of reach on the shelf beside his crib (we’re going to try to get them in reach) – recently he was pulling at a stuffed frog between the bars, clacking it’s hard plastic eyeball against the crib repeatedly.

He called for me today saying “da-da.” “Ma-ma” is very frequent. When Tia brings him to me on mornings that I sleep in a bit later he grins and pants like a puppy and sometimes wrestles my head. He does the same to Tia when I bring him to her in the morning.

.. he kicks his legs a lot and wiggles all his limbs when he’s very excited.

He enjoys walks in the stroller – just contentedly looks at everything.

The Elf, the Swiffer, and the Lion

The day before yesterday Tia called me at work and related this. He was on the kitchen floor – which my siblings-in-law very charitably changed from an old olive green carpet (in a kitchen?!) to a marbled brown-grey vinyl floor last Christmas – fussing from boredom and wanting to be held and played with while she cleaned it with a swiffer. When she was done she turned around to do something else and the fussing stopped. She turned back around and his face was planted on the floor, contentedly licking the sweet swiffer flavor on the floor. She stopped him from this and went back to what she was doing and it happened again.

She relates that yesterday she was Christmas shopping and picked out a large lion stuffed animal for him to play with. Usually he’s happy to play with things in the store and put them back, but when she put this back he made some dispondent babble, so she gave it back for keeps (to buy). He then nuzzled and slept on the lion, sleeping while she was shopping, which is a first.

I haven’t said this, but I can no longer withhold it: He is so cute! I want him to freeze for ten years so I can have him just as he is now. .. in an Eden where he never learns or grows. Every time I despair that his cuteness has reached the apex and it will go downhill from here, he defies expectation!

The last two nights I came home too late to see him to bed, and I can tell he misses me – the usual morning happiness was mingled with cathartic babble and fussing. Tia was preening in the bathroom while I slept in in the bed, and he wandered from his toys in his room to the bathroom with alternate happy and fussy babble and calls. I came to him and he beamed and laughed, but when I picked him up he leaned for his mother, then pled for us both: “Ma-ma.. Pba-pba.”

Brief update

He crawled a short distance the day before yesterday (as different from the “army crawl” or scoot) and is starting to sometimes do it briefly. He is still a mild, happy, often beaming baby who also blathers fun nonsense, growls, and coos at pretty things like lights. Recently he was having a great fun time wrestling and rolling around with a large stuffed bear animal, and he still often beams when he sees large creatures that are or could be alive.

I think it was the day before that he woke in the morning crying and calling “Ma-ma! Ma-ma!”

He laughs when I “zurbet” his naked belly, toss him up and catch him, or make silly sounds.

Recently I was chanting something to his amusement between zurbets:

Baby Mago
Baby Mago
Where you gonna go when you go, go, go?

It occured to me that this works perfectly with the Winnie the Pooh song, and is also an innapropriate (and therefore desirable) pun on the bear’s name.

He was also singing (or ernestly attempting it) recently with me – I recorded both these things and I’ll post them in a bit.