Wilderness Sojourns

Two full moons ago, on Jan 17th:

We took him out accross the lake to listen to the wind and waves and see the city by night this last full moon (after a cousin’s wedding) – just as the moon came up over the mountain. He stared at the moon. He loved all of it and cried when we put him back in the car.

[That’s from one of my emails]

Recently we took him to a man-made pond in a business park in Spanish Fork to see (and feed) ducks. He loved it. He was more excited by a dog who happened to be there, and made his little “Wwwfh! Wwwfh!” barking sounds and the dog sign in American Sign Language (which I hope to note next entry).

More recently I took him on a walk when it was very wintry, and hummed holiday tunes (not carols). He imitated me somewhat melodically with “ba-ba-ba-da..” etc. He loves just riding in the stroller looking at the scene. The stroller and I were caked with snow – he not so much. Little bright red nose though in his bundle of clothes.

I just backposted an exploring mythology I wrote when he was six months old. .. He deserves more wilderness exploration than we give him by far.