Christmas e-card/video unabridged too lengthy rehearsal thing, with Nem and myself

Enjoy the following linked to video, in which I sang something I may have invented and/or imitated after hearing a wonderful rendition of Amazing Grace (not to the usual tune) which I heard on the radio.* The melody is a portmanteau of two or three melodies.

I have not bothered editing out the parts and time you may not have time for. In fact, I added some. Essential captions follow this link to the video file:

–and embedded video player which may not show up in syndication–the captioned verses are what I sing in the video. Words of final verse by yours truly.

But then people will think you’re taller than you are. It’s okay, I’ll just tell them you’re standing on a stool.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saves a wanton mess like me
I once was lost, and still am lost
Am blind and yet I see

Through many dangers, snares and toils
I have already come
‘Twas grace that brought me safe thus far
And grace will lead me home

‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed

I mixed up some verses. But that’s okay.

‘Twas grace that taught my heart to grieve
And grace my heart to sing
For him whose death is my rebirth
The ever-living spring.

*what I heard on the radio was performed by a BYU choir on December 16th 2016 at 8:30 PM; it was magnificent and moving. I’m going to look it up and get a recording of it–and thereby also learn whether I made this song up or not. If I made this up, it validates my theory that composing can consist of remembering songs incorrectly.

SAD BANANAS ON THE FRENCH TOAST LINES (looped 3x) | Weird Song #1 (video, with original art)

By “Mago,” age WHAT?! As I write this. 11 years old. YouTube URL to video:

Original scratch project at:

Screen captured / ffmpeg encoded/looped by yours truly. You may download the video using this link.

Trampoline Static (voice recording with Mago)

I think I recorded this last summer.

Jumping on the trampoline, we discovered that if you have a static charge and slowly approach another’s nose with your finger (provided you’re in a dry climate like Utah?), that you’ll hear invisible static bursts jumping rapidly from you to the other person while your finger is still relatively far away – the bursts rapidly increasing until you get close enough to discharge all the static electricity.

The crummy little 16 Mhz recorder I was using doesn’t capture the whole range of the audio, but if you listen closely in this you can hear these increasing static micro-bursts at the lower sound wavelengths it could capture.


Download MP3 (1.4MB, 1.5 min.) – 002_B_001_RAH_SP.wav-Mago-trampoline-static

Nem-Nem Niamh (recordings)

Here are four recordings of Nem-nem, talking with us in her way, and laughing. If you listen only to one listen to the fourth – it is a scream in every sense.


Nem-nem and mommy, Oct 2007 (1:19, 792K, download mp3)


Nem-nem and Mago, Nov 2007 (1:53, 1.1MB, download mp3)


Nem-nem and daddy, Nov 2007 (1:38, 1MB, download mp3)


Nem-nem and mommy, Nov 2007 (3:17, 1.9MB, download mp3)

One day I thought I’d see what would happen if I brought her to hover over Mago, then pulled her away at a distance, than abruptly brought her close to hover again, etc. – while she is looking at him – a sort of form of “boo!” I guess. What happened was that she started emitting these greeting screams and squeals at him, to his entertainment, and this is going on in the second recording. She does it for other people too sometimes.

Recordings Copyright 2007 Richard Alexander Hall, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States (see). Attribute the recording to me in any public use.