Happy Birthday Tia – Mago update 8

This was Tia’s present from me. She was reluctant (slightly embarrased) to show her family, which is why I made a point of passing it around 😉 Her sister said “Oh no.”

I think the show is neat. And I sneered on Buffy the Vampire Slayer before I got hooked on it (I like Buffy a lot more than this, or “Angel”, which comes in third among the three). Thank you Tia for cracking the shell of my snobbery. Not that anyone who doesn’t like these shows is a snob. That was only my reason.

Mago often babbles rapid, pure, melodious nonsense.

We take him to swimming pools and a pool in our backyard often. He loves playing in water, and he plays wildly. We hang a hose over one pool, and one day he would inch backward or forward until he was under it, get some in his mouth, flap his arms around, and run away from it, spitting and flapping his tongue and laughing. He also stood on the edge of the pool and jumped into the water.

If he doesn’t want to go through having his diaper changed he’ll answer you “no” if you ask him if it’s full.

Every day he says some word I didn’t know he knew.

A while ago he came across something in the store which combined three things he knows: star, pillow, and “Happy” (smily face). He became excited and repeatedly said the three words, and also said in a repeating sweet two-tone question: “Happy? Happy? Happy?” (I have a recording of this – like many other sounds and videos, someday I’ll never post it). Tia made him a circular orange pillow with a smiley face on it.

He loves tumbling and tossing around and tackling, or grabbing your face, and still very often affectionately bites and has had to learn to not bite so hard, which for the most part he doesn’t any more.

Also, some of his favorite books are Dinner Time (that one has a different cover – ours has a more frighful gorrilla), Cathy the Calf, and Bingo Bongo Bang (not finding that anywhere online), the latter of which the other day he sat by himself to flip through repeatedly, saying the words.