Baby’s aesthetics (NINTENDO)

Mom takes him into the room, saying that he wants to listen to the nintendo music I’m playing (while I organize a thousand disparate image files from one computer folder to many). She leaves him in the boppy on the floor to go eat. Behind from the floor, he cooes, and I turn around and he’s looking at me. I pick him up and we dance to Ninja Gaiden track 13; the music relating Ryu compelled to battle his father who is possessed by a demon and transformed into a monster. I exlaim to him of the music: “Oh, the pathos! Father, you’re dying!” He wiggles his arms to the music. Typing this now with him in the boppy in my lap, he offers another greeting, exlaiming: “NYAAAI!”

.. superstitious of the effects of nintendo music (people at lease *act* as if it’s somehow vulgar or tasteless..) I play him instead a mass (Messe La Bataille). After a while he starts fussing. I play Beethoven’s overtures to The Creatures of Prometheus, Op. 43 and Coriolan, Op. 62 (I have no idea what these are – these are just the titles). He likes these much better.