The Hills are Alive

I took Mago for a hike up to the mouth of a canyon with surrounding high, spectacular, otherworldly surreal cliff walls early yesterday morning. On the way back down the canyon mouth as he heard some echoes in the canyon I realized I could show him how to echo his voice through the canyon walls – so I bellowed some two-tones and shouted “Echo!” etc., all of which we could hear bouncing back this way and up the other way, back and forth along canyon walls, quite loudly and clearly (especially lower pitches). I explained how the mountain bounces the sound back, and I think I may have said something to the effect that the mountain “says” the same thing back – an idea Mago picked up on and elaborated on, as it implies the mountain has a voice, and things that give you a voice.. He tried making an echo himself, and got it to work sometimes, after which he’d exclaim:

“I made the Daddy Mountain talk!”

He spoke of trying to get the Mommy Mountain to talk, too – which I explained we couldn’t make happen without Mommy here.

I realized we’d taken a long detour that had to be longer, as I had left the stroller at one fork of the path and accidentally came down another – and had to lead Mago through so many brambles and trees to get back to it – through which he made exaggerated imitations of my huffing and puffing. Getting the stroller again and traveling back down further, Mago tried to make an echo with the canyon walls increasingly out of range for it, and my explanations that they were too far away didn’t deter him. That same day in the evening I took him outside to look at the magnificent cliff wall facade (in magnificent yellow and blue-gray light/dark contrasts from light coming across the other end of the valley), he bellowed at it – mistaking echoes off nearby houses for the mountain’s speaking back – and wouldn’t be deterred that this was no mountain echo – again exclaiming he’d made the Daddy Mountain talk.


I took him for a walk late two nights ago (no, not anywhere near as late as I’m writing this entry). We’re up on a bench, or in the foothills under mountains. Obscured by houses in front of us but down in the valley to the far south there were four strobe lights swirling about in tandem, spreading their beams of light high up and across the sky in a swoop far outward, then around again and joining in to one brighter beam for an instant, then spreading again, and so on. Mago liked these, and I thought I’d explain them to him.

Me: “Way back behind those houses and down in the valley, there are four robot arms shining those lights. The arms swoop around like this” (swooping my arm) “.. and it makes the lights shine around the sky. They spread out and then come back together. They’re saying ‘come here, we have something to sell’ – or that’s what the people who are shining the lights would say if we went there.”

This seemed to satisfy his curiosity about them, and he blathered about other things and I joined him until suddenly he was talking about “powers”, and I wasn’t quite following him. I said “What?” and he pointed to the strobe lights in the sky over on our left –

Mago: “You can see their powers. Those are the robot powers.”

I was beside myself when he said this – I don’t think he’s never seen Strong Bad*, I don’t know where he picked up the idea of power as light, but it works alright – however, he wouldn’t be dissuaded that these were simply lights in the sky – in between laughing I tried several times to clarify to him that they are just lights – but he corrected me, no, those are robot powers, and you can see the robot powers.

Some while later I gave him the noun for it – strobe lights [whoops!  That should be search lights]. That seemed to change his mind on the matter (not that I would necessarily want his mind changed!) – he began using that term. Apparently you’ve got to give him the most solid noun possible – “light” is still too abstract; “robot powers” is, uh, more accessible.

*..and if so, are you some kind of robot? And if so, what kind of powers do you have? Do you use them for good, or for awesome?


Her name is Yoshimi
she’s a black belt in karate
working for the city
she has to discipline her body


‘Cause she knows that
it’d be tragic
if those evil robots win
I know she can beat them..

Garden, Snake.. Butcher?

This morning, sitting on the front porch after he asked if the sun was hiding behind the mountain and I answered him no and showed him where it was hiding behind a tree, he asked:

Mago: “Daddy?”
Me: “Yes.”
Mago: “Are we in the sun’s garden?”
Me: (I don’t know where he got this, or maybe he made it up, but I think it’s a great idea, so I expanded on it) “Yes, the whole world is the sun’s garden. You’re in the sun’s garden, and I am, and mommy is, and sister is, and our neighbors are, and our family is.”

(It’s the Son’s garden, too).

At a cousin’s house Mago was playing with a wooden toy snake – the fairly large kind with a lot of interconnecting spine pieces or hinges, which make it slither back and forth when you bend it up or down – and Nem-nem was on her back on the floor, wiggling and cooing. None of us watched exactly what Mago did, but he was near Nem-nem when she gave out a howl and cry of alarm, so Tia went over and comforted her. As we speculated what might have happened, referring to Mago as we spoke, he approached a couch where several talking about this were sitting, and removing the wooden snake’s head where he had put it in his mouth, exclaimed:

“But I like a snake in my mouth!”

(So why doesn’t she? It’s a perfectly fun thing to do – what’s wrong with it?)

After we had taken him to the Chuck-E-Cheeze kid’s restaurant one evening (replete with a singing animal robot band on stage), the next morning I asked Mago how his time at Chuck-E-Cheeze was, and what he did. In his answers, he talked about the “butcher” on the stage – holding up his hands in the way a drummer would, working the drums.. er.. knives.

(Tia later clarified to me that he has a baker toy he often mistakes for a butcher – and I learned his birthday cousin does the same thing sometimes – so he probably thought the robot that was baking a pizza was a “butcher”. If so, I still think my mistake of his mistake is a very funny image)

Silly Christmas Toy, Scarecrow, Rabbit, Owl

Mago pretends he’s a “Silly Christmas toy.” I don’t know what that necessarily means, but it involves walking around and somewhat robotically waving your arms up and down or around. I asked him if he is a toy soldier and he said “No”.

He pretends he’s a scarecrow. Doing this he stood on the frame at the head of his car bed and said:

(arms raised) The Scarecrow is blessin’.
(lowers arms extended in front of him, palms down) Blessss. (falls down on his bed)

Last evening he said to me while we sat outside:

“A rabbit comes to my window tonight. And he comes down the window. And he raises up on his legs (Mago stands from sitting). And he wiggles his nose. And he wiggles his eyes. And he wiggles his ears. And he wiggles his belly button. And he wiggles his back. And he wiggles his feet. And he wiggles his furry tail. And he goes back up the window. And he goes away.”

This morning he said to me as I put him in his stroller for a walk:

“A owl comes to my window tonight.”

Totoro, Training, Building, Other Utterances..

Mago loves My Neighbor Totoro. I watched it with him. This film is one of my favorites. It cracks me up when Totoro roars, and I’m wowed by the magic he uses to grow forests. The music is also fantastic – listening to it again, I realize it’s actually New Age – but, forgive me, New Age with soul, even the most infamous music styles can have that! – and I don’t mean as in “soul music”, just.. not rambling fluff.. however it can get a bit weird. Mago mistakes the little girl in the film for a boy (I think for wanting to identify).

Mago: “He followed him into the forest. Now the hole where he went is gone. There’s no Totoro now.” .. (whispers, when Totoro and the children are sitting on top of the giant tree playing flutes at night) “I saw Totoro!” .. “Totoro is a bear, and he has a littler bear and a littler, and he has big eyes, and a little tiny mouth.” (puckers his lips small).

These are some other things he said recently –

After I ran up a ladder and down a slide with him many times at his cousins’ house in Arizona:

Me: “I’m pooped.”
Mago: “Are you trained?”

At bed time as Mago built a fort out of pillows and Tia sat on his bed reading to Nem-nem:

Mago: (to Tia) “Say: look, big brother is building a house!”
Tia: “Look, big brother is building a house!”
Mago: “Is that brilliant?”

He talks to Tia’s feet like little friends when she relaxes with them raised. She named one of them footy-foot. Recently when she was relaxing he came to one of her feet.

Mago: (to her left foot, hugging it) “I love you, footy-foot.”
(then to her right foot, hugging it) “I love you, friend.”
(takes both feet and hugs them) “I love you, friends.”
(lets go of both feet) “Did you see that, mama? It was a team hug.”

Yesterday, with me:

Mago: “Say, ‘what is it?'”
Me: “What is it?”
Mago: (flaps his lips)
Me (I laugh)
Mago: “Say, ‘what is it?'”
Me: “What is it?”
Mago: (flaps his lips..)

We decided Nem-nem looks like a little marsupial or possum. A few days after we did her aunt decided the same thing – dubbing her “Meinschen” (sp? Correct word?), little mouse.

Seven days ago Nem-nem rolled over from her tummy onto her back. Now she does this at tummy-time: she doesn’t enjoy being on her tummy, and grunts, lifts her head up high, pushes and wrestles with her arms until she flops over onto her back.


Tia and Nem-nem, just now:

Tia: (sings) If you’re happy and you know it give a gurgle!
Nem-nem: Ggglg!
Tia: If you’re happy and you know it give a gurgle!
Nem-nem: Ggggglg!
Tia: If you’re happy and you know it then your face will surely show it, if you’re happy and you know it give a gurgle!
Nem-nem: Blrgggh!

I don’t believe I just heard this.

Nem-nem talks in her way a lot. And smiles. She smiles and says “Aah!” or (one I more taught her) “Ggg!” Tia reports that the other day Nem-nem said in four ascending tones, like an owl: “Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!” Also recently we heard her say “Hi!” in her sleep. She has conversations with Tia where they just exchange tones and grins. She often gives a beaming, exuberant grin when you greet her in the morning or after a nap.

Cuteness, Divine Excursion

A week or so ago Mago said, despondently:

“I’m not cute anymore, because I’m not a baby.”

I think this is jealousy of the attentions his new little sister is getting? But he’s how old, and saying this? (Two and a half years). And besides in my fatherly opinion this isn’t true, but besides all that, it doesn’t matter.. I hoped this wouldn’t happen. It’s bolstered by so many people he meets (especially old ladies) so emphatically saying in his company “He’s so cute!” There’s a place for it, I’d just hope not to excess. It can become (quite unintended – nobody wishes for this), the token of affection, status. No, you gotta love any kid just because they’re a kid. I’m pretty confident he’s confident enough of himself that having to be cute (to meet that demand) won’t need to be a focus, but.. how do you counter this? A few times since hearing this I’ve tried to tell him – a two-and-a-half year old! – that cuteness doesn’t matter, all that matters is trying to be good, and you are good (but, even though it doesn’t matter, you are cute to me).. it doesn’t seem to get across. Maybe a matter of time.

The affection of old ladies must be a lot more persuasive.

Tonight I went in to say goodnight to him after Tia put him to bed (and I had been watching Nem-nem), and when I walked in he said in tones speaking of a smile I couldn’t see in the dark:

“I need a hug and a hug.”

Okay. I’ll comply. As I did, he looked up in the very dim light to a picture of Jesus on the wall: (this one – link – incidentally, that one affected me more as a kid than any other painting of Jesus)

Mago: And Jesus loves them, and he’s treating them kindly. And he’s here.. and he’s showing them.. a dinosaur museum.

Me: Yes, that sounds like something Jesus would do, doesn’t it? [reader: please don’t think I don’t mean this. I do. [07/20/2015 EDIT: That link is outdated. This is a link to the intended image.] Okay, maybe not necessarily like that link..]

Mago: And.. he’s showing them a museum and it has T-Rexes.

Tia just told me they sang “Jesus said love everyone, treat them kindly too..” for bed time.

[07/20/2015 Amendment: fearing that image may ever vanish, I told the Wayback Machine about it, so here is a link to a (hopefully) permanent archive image.]

Playing with Water, Brownie

Mago loves running through sprinklers on stops to grassy areas during car drives. “Running through” is usually more like timidly approaching the edge where the water stops, getting sprinkled a bit in the face, and running away shouting.

Two evenings ago as it was nearing time for bed, after driving in the car in the heat, Tia asked him if instead of bathing or showering he wanted to be hosed down, which he did. So we stripped him and sprayed him with the hose. He was amused but couldn’t take it for very long, and then I think Tia suggested spraying me. I refused. Mago cried. I couldn’t stand this – he wants to play with water with daddy, why should I refuse? – so I said I’d spray my own face and did (which was refreshing, but it got on my shorts anyway) and it amused him. Afterward Mago said “Did you spray your face, daddy?” I replied “Yes, because I broke your heart, so I decided to.” He said “Yeah. You broke my heart. In my chest.”

Yesterday Tia reports she made him a brownie which was far too big. When she served it to him, he looked down at it, paused for a moment to appreciate it, then looked up at her, paused again, and said “I like you. You’re a pretty mommy.”

Gazing at the portrait, Drill

A week or so ago Tia reported that Nem-nem was gazing at a photographic portrait on the kitchen wall of her family, all the new step-siblings and everyone’s children. Tia said to her “That’s your family!” and Nem-nem smiled. Tia thought this was coincidence but later when Nem-nem was looking at it again, she repeated to her “That’s your family!” and again Nem-nem smiled.

Last evening Mago went down for bed while playing with a toy drill as an evasion tactic, Tia persuading him that play time was over and he has to put the drill away, which he resisted.

Tia: “Say bye-bye to the drill.”
Mago: (Crying) “Goodbye, drill! I love you!”
Tia: (Laughs) “That’s kinda funny.”
Mago: (Cries harder)

Tia then tickled him with the drill and he laughed and felt better.

The latest thing I’ve found that makes Mago laugh, and which he’s usually been requesting the moment I come home from work, is to murmur in an almost whispering, sort of high nerdy voice in his ear “Ba-duba-da buh? Be-de-bee-da-baa-duh? Is it-a-my-baby? Is it-a-ma-baby?” Or again to murmur in a low growl while approaching his tummy with my head saying: “Wha’d da baby do? .. wha’d da baby doo? ..wha’d da baby doooo? HE GOT TICKLED!” – and burrow my head hard into his tummy.

Dazed Contentment (Nem-nem), I’m Sorry Game (Mago)

Tia, the other day, talking about Nem-nem:

(alarm) “Whooooooooa! Her eyes are going up and in different directions. .. now she’s smiling. .. now she’s drooling milk.”

Today I was holding her and saying “Aaaaah?” while she did her darndest to imitate it and mostly grunted, smiling between attempts, and at one point she got her lips into the same shape for the sound, and uttered a short “Aaah”. I said “Yeah!” and she appeared pleased. She did the same thing for “Oh”, only never managing the sound.

I discovered a game with Mago recently, where if I make him laugh, I squeeze him hard in a panicked way, and in a desperate voice say “No I’m sorry!” – as if to say “I didn’t mean to make you laugh!” or “I said I’m sorry, please stop laughing!” – that kind of thing – which makes him laugh harder, which is a prompt for me to say it again, which makes him laugh again..

The hilarity lasted several days for him. Seems to have worn off some now, but he still tells me: “Say I’m sorry.”

Still meaning to post video of her at birth, and we’ve taken no new pictures of her because Tia’s camera has been in the shop; they said they’d call by now and haven’t 🙁


Tia IM’d me at work today:

[15:02] Tia: [Nem-nem] was in my arms looking around and I talked to her and said “goo!” She smiled really big at me and I laughed – she then seemed to laugh with me!
[15:02] Alex: Oh, darnit I wish I could’ve seen that 🙂

There’ll be another time, doubtless..

Orphan Style, Market pranks, Nem-nem’s wish, Dancing

Traveling to my mother’s house recently Mago reported a back ache and that his throat hurt. Holding him on the back porch, looking into the room as grandma opened the door, I felt something warm on my toes and looked to see that Mago had thrown up all over both of us. Not only wet but gooey, thick, slimy, orange, and starchy – you have to know this of course – all over him and on my shirt and arms. Fortunately not so much on my precious pants, stylish though that would be.

They took my shirt and his clothes and threw them in the wash, lending me a t-shirt from my brother and for Mago a cotton one-piece pajama or underclothes suit: moderately worn, grayed and tattered, inexplicably very cute on him.

I don’t know where he got this notion, but in reference to this new outfit he said “I’m a little orphan!”

He played with his birthday cousin of one year older in the basement, babbling and doing I have no idea what, but they clearly share a world, very cute together. She’d say bye-bye and close the basement door on him, he’d cry as he couldn’t open it from the lower stair and had difficulty from the upper stair, and in a while she’d open it again to happily greet him or hug him. I don’t know whether setting up this greeting again and again was the point, or an innocent exploration of the power that she could open the door and he couldn’t, or both.

While grandma was sitting holding Nem-nem and looking at her (along with several of us), Nem-nem looked up at our faces. When I came to stand and look down and smile at Nem-nem, she looked up at me and returned a clear, beaming smile, looking right into my eyes and face and keeping that smile and contact for a long while. That’s the first that’s happened for me with her. On the floor she also near half-turned over; as I’ve said she’s strong, and she moves very much.

One conversation topic was the different views people have on whether its appropriate to keep a kid happy in a store by opening up something they want before you buy it (I agree that anyone who says you shouldn’t may have never held a bored child hostage to mundane shopping). My oldest brother extended this idea (his?) to a prank; go to the store alone, bring an emptied milk gallon to the checkout, and I suppose say something like “Sorry, I needed all this before I could get to checkout.” My youngest brother suggested bringing an opened package of adult disposable underwear to checkout, adding “ could take this in all kinds of directions”. Tia’s comment: “No, I think this is only going in one direction.”

This morning Tia said she had a dream: Nem-nem grew teeth, while still just the infant she is, and said (in a little girl voice Tia did which I wish I could describe)

“I’m tired of lying down. I want to walk.”

That’s been my impression, or that she is very eager to explore, and she isn’t happy to just lie still.

Yesterday and today Nem-nem stared with great concentration into my face and eyes, the same look of concentration that charms me in Mago, while we danced to (and I sang her) this.


This is? [spoiler]”Landslide”, a Fleetwood Mac tune covered here by the Dixie Chicks. I hide that latter fact because it has prejudiced people against it – a prejudice I have rhetorically railed against, wearying family/friends. If you don’t like some of the Dixie Chicks’ stuff (or attitude) it doesn’t mean it must all be distasteful :)[/spoiler]

I think this cover of the tune is much better than the original.

A Lullaby for Nem-nem (Highland Cathedral)

I’ve been very taken with a tune I found (and what it necessarily has to do with Christmas re the album I have no idea). I’d kept thinking it captures my feelings about Nem-nem’s arrival, and that I’d like to use it in my video here depicting my idea of that. I’d kept meaning to look up the song origin and finally did. I at first mistook it for one of many old Scottish folk tunes but it was apparently written by two Germans in 1982 for a bagpipe festival in Scotland. It’s called Highland Cathedral. Two prominent sets of words (at least) have been written for it; I very much like this set:

There is a land far from this distant shore
Where heather grows and Highland Eagles soar
There is a land that will live ever more
Deep in my heart, my Bonnie Scotland

Though I serve so far away
I still see your streams, cities and dreams
I can’t wait until the day
When I’ll come home once more

So Lord keep me from the harm of war
Through all the dangers and the battles roar
Keep me safe until I’m home once more
Home to my own in Bonnie Scotland

On first reading these lyrics, I was overwhelmed by the coincidence that the tune both expresses my feelings about Nem-nem’s birth and that these lyrics are so similar in several ideas to words I wrote for Mago’s Lullaby:

So together we’ll hie
Through the sky love, and fly
To the sunny bright places we’ll see
With the Irish we’d die
For our mothers would cry
For the days to be sunny and green

Both are songs of a fair distant land of my ancestry, both speak of soaring/flying, both refer to battle (that’s what I mean by “With the Irish we’d die”).

So Highland Cathedral is Nem-nem’s lullaby.

I’ve got Scottish blood, so I suppose it isn’t necessarily fair to give the Irish all the attention (as I do with my children’s nicknames). But I don’t have any children for England, or for Wales (yet), or..

I’m also struck by allegory in the words; Nem-nem arrives from a distant land she left (her place with God) to serve in a battle (the war for souls on this earth) and will long for her eternal home. So I sing it in homage to both God and my ancestors. Further, I hadn’t even realized when I wrote Mago’s lullaby that it maybe could work allegorically in the same way.

Here is the song with this video for Nem-nem; only it isn’t so “lullaby” here, though it can be sung that way and has been child-tested and found to work. It’s versatile. Click the image.

Come Home

The stills in this are deep space photography which I color-alter, distort, zoom, pan, cross-fade, and change lighting of to give a sense of travel, merging into the opening sequence from CONTACT reversed and sped up. CONTACT had it wrong. In that film, pious scientists/priests repeatedly declare that the remainder of space without any life apart from Earth would be a “waste”. On the contrary I feel it isn’t about how far we can look or travel out there and whether it means anything to anyone else, human or alien, but how amazing, beautiful and meaningful it all makes our existence here. Not that life elsewhere isn’t compelling.

Incidentally, I hope my video, while philosophically in great sympathy with this amusingly distasteful schlock I found at YouTube, may be better. Even a little better would fill me with hope.

These were Tia’s comments on my video: “It’s good”. Later I sought clarification on this:

“So you like it?”

“I don’t like that music with it. This Scottish tune to that.. it doesn’t fit.”

“You’d appreciate it more if you appreciated Star Trek.”

(Derisive sarcasm) “Well, yeah.”

“You don’t remember [Star Trek II Spoiler!] [spoiler]the bagpipes at Spock’s funeral?”[/spoiler]

“Did I ever see [spoiler]Spock’s funeral?” [/spoiler]

“Well, there you go. It’s really good, I recommend it.”