
About a week ago Tia saw, late at night, a mouse run around the corner of the bed and toward a wall.  We turned over everything we reasonably could at a late hour (in our tiredness) but didn’t find the mouse.

So the next day she bought some humane mousetraps, a type that merely shuts a door on its prisoner instead of smashing its brains out.

(I shudder – never mind such traps are far easier and less disgusting to manage.)

Over the next few days the kids eagerly awaited the capturing of mice (Nem: “More mouses, please”).  One morning Tia found a trap set off, but it seemed so light, and the traps had previously been set off without capturing anything, so she opened the trap door to reset it – and a mouse scurried out and ran and hid in a corner, behind and under some things.   She managed then to trap the mouse in a shoebox, which she taped shut.

We set off to Rock Canyon, the kids very eager to see the mouse as we would release it into the wild.

I videotaped this release, which (edited) footage follows, with some walking and playing with the kids afterward.  After the mouse’s escape Tia asked me if I’d captured footage of  something particular (and very remarkable) about it on tape.  I hadn’t noticed, and thought I hadn’t captured it.  But it certainly showed in the lens and on the camera’s video display.  I only noticed by playing it back frame by frame, and for only six frames (at the frames per second rate multiplied by 5, and to put it more technically, that something like the “blink of an eye“).

You may also miss it on the first pass – this render will repeat the surprise in slow motion.  Here is a still – please only show this after watching the video. [spoiler](Link to image file)[/spoiler]

(It also starts off with a relevant silly clip from a video game I played when I was a kid – exported from an emulator.)

For a higher quality video click the link that says “play in new window” after “(hifi)”.

Pictures from June to September

All these pictures were taken at home.  I never seem to be able to get my camera out for special occasions and events, unfortunately.  I have no pictures from Grampa’s funeral, or the coral pink sand dunes, or the family reunion – except the portraits I took at Bridal Veil Falls – which I’ll post on my page later, or Arches, which we just got back from.  To anyone who did take pictures of those things, I would love it if you’d send them to me.  To move through the gallery you can use your arrow keys, or click on the green arrow that will appear if you roll your mouse over the right or left side of the main image.


Fishes addendum, painting and coloring

I took these pictures yesterday, the last of which is Mago with his “aquarium”.


Last Friday I was working in the yard for maybe 4 hours, and finally came in and Mago had put on Clifford’s puppy days DVD all by himself. I rested in bed and when Clifford put painted paw marks all over his owner’s shirt, ‘painting’ her shirt giving her a great idea for her friend’s birthday party, Mago giggled delightedly. I then told him we could go buy shirts to paint. We’ve done that, and he painted with sparkly paint on a green shirt, using stencils: a crab, a seahorse, a fish, and waves and smears.

Alex’s addition: A week or so ago in church Tia showed crayon drawing to Nem-nem, with a large red crayon. I think that was Nem-nem’s first seeing crayon coloring? As she watched the crayon leave the first broad marks on a page, she smiled.

Cuteness, Divine Excursion

A week or so ago Mago said, despondently:

“I’m not cute anymore, because I’m not a baby.”

I think this is jealousy of the attentions his new little sister is getting? But he’s how old, and saying this? (Two and a half years). And besides in my fatherly opinion this isn’t true, but besides all that, it doesn’t matter.. I hoped this wouldn’t happen. It’s bolstered by so many people he meets (especially old ladies) so emphatically saying in his company “He’s so cute!” There’s a place for it, I’d just hope not to excess. It can become (quite unintended – nobody wishes for this), the token of affection, status. No, you gotta love any kid just because they’re a kid. I’m pretty confident he’s confident enough of himself that having to be cute (to meet that demand) won’t need to be a focus, but.. how do you counter this? A few times since hearing this I’ve tried to tell him – a two-and-a-half year old! – that cuteness doesn’t matter, all that matters is trying to be good, and you are good (but, even though it doesn’t matter, you are cute to me).. it doesn’t seem to get across. Maybe a matter of time.

The affection of old ladies must be a lot more persuasive.

Tonight I went in to say goodnight to him after Tia put him to bed (and I had been watching Nem-nem), and when I walked in he said in tones speaking of a smile I couldn’t see in the dark:

“I need a hug and a hug.”

Okay. I’ll comply. As I did, he looked up in the very dim light to a picture of Jesus on the wall: (this one – link – incidentally, that one affected me more as a kid than any other painting of Jesus)

Mago: And Jesus loves them, and he’s treating them kindly. And he’s here.. and he’s showing them.. a dinosaur museum.

Me: Yes, that sounds like something Jesus would do, doesn’t it? [reader: please don’t think I don’t mean this. I do. [07/20/2015 EDIT: That link is outdated. This is a link to the intended image.] Okay, maybe not necessarily like that link..]

Mago: And.. he’s showing them a museum and it has T-Rexes.

Tia just told me they sang “Jesus said love everyone, treat them kindly too..” for bed time.

[07/20/2015 Amendment: fearing that image may ever vanish, I told the Wayback Machine about it, so here is a link to a (hopefully) permanent archive image.]

Our second baby, a girl

I’ve overhauled this blog as of this entry – converted it over to the WordPress blogging platform, with a new design I found and modified. Like it? Older image galleries aren’t working at the moment – they’ll be fixed.

This last June 17th, Father’s day, our second baby, a daughter, was born at 4:35 AM. Happy Father’s Day to me 🙂

The arrangements for and the delivery of this second baby were much easier than for our first – which I thought the midwife astutely referred to as the Pioneer – though still grueling and exhausting. We’ve named this baby (my decision less pathetically lethargic than for our first) but refer to her on the internet by a pseudonym. In a bit here is blather about that, her particular date of birth, and Mago’s first interactions with and comments about her, but first a photo slide show taken the day she was born, courtesy Picasa Web Albums, photos taken by an uncle, and also by Tia’s stepmom.


At this blog we call her by a pseudonym. First, “Nem-nem”, which is whimsical nonsense. Second “Niamh”, Irish and pronounced “Neve”, which I expect to confuse, fine for a blog. In Irish mythology (I’ve only just read this), Niamh is the princess of the land of promise (as Niamh, though my sister who served a mission in Ireland informs me there are many little girls over there with names spelled Niamh). I’d wanted “Niam”, Irish for “Bright” in addition to all this before “Nem-nem”, and further nicely confusing as it sounds just like you’d mispronounce Niamh/Niamh, but Tia doesn’t like it.

So her pseudonym here is Nem-nem Niamh. Why the Irish pseudonyms – our firstborn as Mago Elf Liam (Gaelic: Great Elf William)? A tradition of Irish blood on one of my mother’s lines, Mago being born on St. Patrick’s day, and his cousin also born on that date, and..

Now our second baby here, Nem-nem Niamh, shares her birthday with a cousin who has a quintessentially Irish name, who was born six years ago – also on Father’s day. And on the same day of the month as Nem-nem’s older brother born on St. Patrick’s day, the 17th, and his cousin also.. there you go.

The 17th day of the month is also shared with one of Nem-nem’s uncles, and her great-grandfather, and.. I think some others I forget 😮

And on top of all this a cousin – second cousin – was born on this very same day and year that little Nem-nem was.

I was going to do this this entry, but for lack of time, some videos I’ve promised will be posted in a future entry.

Mago has been very eager to meet his sister for a long time since before she was born. He would talk to her through mommy’s tummy, and long since adopted a mistaken reference to her as “FisterBruver”, or Sister-Brother. Since her birth I’ve had an inkling he may use this as a description of their relationship, as he said a day or two after her birth that “Now I’m a FisterBruver.” But it’s clearly also a title, and I suppose especially for her. And he also fondly calls her by her real name.

The first Mago came into the hospital room where mommy was holding Nem-nem, he was very enthusiastically but gently all over her, calling her FisterBruver, softly caressing her head with his hands, and wishing to kiss her, which we couldn’t let him because he had a croup cough. We got a mask for him so he could be close to her, as you see in the slides and video. I don’t recall all he said but one of the first things he said, when I took him a bit away from Nem-nem and held him, was:

“I love that baby.”

Also, speaking to Tia:

“Did she come out of your tummy? Is she going to go back in? Can I go back into your tummy?”

This is no indication at all that he doesn’t want Nem-nem here – though Tia has noticed he’s been more ardently seeking attention as an apparently permanent change since her birth. It’s simple curiosity. A verbose 2-year old informing us of the wonderful ideas that go through his head figuring out how things work.

I had meant to amend this previous entry with a comment after my brother wisely cautioned that you can’t take a kid’s feelings too seriously – indeed that’s true. Sometimes when Mago sadly or sourly insists on something that cannot be, I throw him a loop – he’ll say “Yes!” – I say “No!” – and back and forth “Yes!” – “No!” – “Yes!” – “No!” – “Yes!” – then I suddenly exclaim “Yes!” and he willfully exclaims the opposite, “No!” – not what he wants – and realizes he’s been hoodwinked and laughs. I’m sure many parents have discovered this fun trick.

You may note in the photos that Nem-nem has a lot of dense, short, dark brown or black hair at birth.

She is strong. She lifts her head right up if you hold her on your shoulder. She’d flop right out of your arms if you didn’t hold her close and tight. Her legs are very difficult to raise up from the pinned bend she keeps them in when you change her diaper.

She has Billy Reuben (is this how you spell the affliction? – ah ha ha! I just looked it up. It’s bilirubin – but I’ll keep that), that fairly common yellowing of infant skin from.. too many red blood cells? – which count went up for several days, but which today went into a decline. Thank heaven. Mago did not enjoy being in a light box to combat it for weeks, and we didn’t enjoy inflicting that on him.

A gripe you can skip if you wish – [spoiler]all the same I’ve maintained since Mago suffered the malady – why provide a light box only when the malady becomes really bad? Why not provide it if they suffer much at all? Wouldn’t that prevent the risk of it getting worse? I’ve heard it criticized that our most widely respected medical paradigm is often not health-oriented, but crisis-oriented. I’d say “health” is a state that can ward off illness. Disease is a crisis. If you take action only when there is disease, you are focused on crisis – not prevention, health. I don’t think it’s true on all counts, but here? Yes. Let’s make things better while they’re okay, not okay when they’re worse. Mind, I’m all for all the miracles we have available for when things are worse. Also, the midwife’s comment to me about the anesthesiologist forbidding my wife to drink water after her spinal anesthetic is that this is treating the situation as if she would have a caesarian section; if the throat is well-watered when there’s general anesthetic (and there is general anesthetic in that situation, but not the one we were in) there’s greater risk of the throat collapsing and suffocating in numbness. So he’s responding to the situation as if she’s having a caesarian, while we are well past that – this was at a stage of labor where that is neither necessary nor possible. So not only can we think too much in terms of making bad things okay, we can behave as if bad things may happen when there’s barely or truly not any risk of that. Welcome to your sue-happy society. This is malpractice risk overreaction. Sigh.[/spoiler]

I think she’s a beautiful, mild baby. I’m surprised how distinct and new but inexplicably, unsurprisingly familiar she is. The unknown novelties of having a baby aren’t as impressive, but she still is. My first impressions are that her cry and voice sound a whole lot like Mago as an infant, but gentler. .. I only recall her howling so far when given a needle shot (not unexpected) and when bathed. She does not like baths. It seems to be horrific for her. I think sometimes her sounds of alarm reflect Tia when she’s surprised or uneasy.

Today (or Saturday as I started writing this :p – hey, it’s her one week anniversary three hours after I click “publish”) I enjoyed my first moments with her where she didn’t seem hungry or otherwise distracted, just holding her as she was awake, and she seemed to be really taking in my face and just watching me talk to her.

As for us, we’re lacking sleep but happy.

GIRL! (gallery 13)

Here is an ultrasound photograph of the newest one three months in the womb. The ultrasound found she is a girl. I was working up a video including the ultrasound video footage, but have kept putting it off (there are half a dozen such pending things), so – here she is. Click the image for a larger image.

You can see her little nose, lips, and eyes. This image stuns me.

Gallery 12 with Mago Update 9

Here are some pictures of him.

The other day I took him outside in the morning (he frequently asks for this – “Ouside! Ouside!”) and said good morning to the trees, the grass, the sky, the mountains, the neighboring houses. He said “Morning bird” and pointed at the mountain – there was a bird far off, very small against the mountain. He and Tia spot birds I wouldn’t notice.

He believes there is a monkey living in a gap in the bushes in front of our house. He makes a monkey sound and says “Monkey” when we pass it. We think he heard a quail in there and believed it to be a monkey.

This morning he waked with kind of a whining cry and after a while I went to him. He lay on my shoulder and I comforted him, and after a while he somewhat emphatically and sullenly said “Bed!” – and leaned for the crib, which I put him in, and he went straight back to sleep.

In the first five photographs he is holding bubble soap.

Photos 06 through 10 are a.. I don’t know what to call it. Sport he invented the other day and Tia photographed it. Over a carpet he stands tall and abreast, head high, arms and legs arched out, then lurches back and down into a seated position as fast as he can, slamming his bum on the carpet. Very Olympian, from the photos. These crack me up. I don’t know what to call this sport. Diaper slamming.

The last three are of him “removing” his own nose, like Mr. Potato head, as his aunt showed him.

He also teeters on his toes on a ledge provided at the edge of a couch, holding onto the arm rest, says “Ooooooooo -” and then jumps back and onto his bum on the ground (to a pillow we provide). He takes us both by the hand and leads us up to this same ledge and waits for us to do the same.

He is very entertained by ring-around-the-rosy.

Gallery 11

Here are pictures of him from yesterday and last month. The ones with me and with red jello all over his face – he got into a bowl of it, and this looks like RED RUM! – those are from last month. Clicking the images will bring up larger ones.

Triptych of Mago (Gallery 10), Update, Maintenance Pants

Here’s a Triptych I did of him. I’ll update this post soon with links to the source images [yeah, right -2007-07-04]. Photos by Tia, selection, arrangement and titling by me. Click this image for a larger image.

Thumbnail of Mago Triptych

Here are the originals from which were combined to make this.

[1] [2] [3]

.. are the things that I must do..

He’s walking all over the place all the time now. He loves the guitar and the one song I sorta play which I wrote (a toungue-in-cheek bit entitled NEW HOTEL – that’s a link to a crummy sketch recording). He wanders over to the guitar case and tries to get the guitar out, saying “Da! Da!” which I guess means guitar.

He’s invented a sign which he uses, holding a wrist with the other hand. We don’t know what it means.

In reference to my recent [sadly dull and desperate] post about pants, I’ve had an idea for new designer pants. Whereas current pant design trends send a message of being used by a sweatshop/company, I’m going to wear pants that bear a message of my son claiming support or maintenance from me. The other night I was feeding him a bottle at bed time, and out of nowhere he erupted a great load of milky vomit all over – himself, the chair, my shirt, and some smallish splatters and streaks of it got on my new pants, and the floor. I haven’t yet washed the pants because of business. But I’m thinking, maybe I’ll just leave it. Maybe I’ll work up the motif further with notable splatters of milky-white glue, small dried chunks and smears of seeming food trapped therein. That is my idea. What do you think? Think that will be “all the rage”?