- At 4 (almost 5), Nem taught herself to whistle simple melodies. She's 5 now, and recordings of this phenomenon are overdue . . . #
Author: Alex
Animal Finder
Mago: I just had an idea for how to find all the animals of one kind. Find a few of them and sample their DNA and then put it into a computer and have the computer analyze it, and then upload it to a satellite that scans the world for that kind of DNA, and it will find all the animals of that kind.
Me: Hmm, I dunno how a satellite finds DNA.
Mago: I dunno. A very advanced satellite.
Twitter Weekly Digest for 2012-06-03
- My nephew was baptised, and afterward, & after everyone sang “I am a Child of God,” I (Alex) imagined someone shouted “PLAY BALL!” #
- Times like this I’m grateful to have any kind of Brain-to-Mouth Filter installed. Cuz’ I’d totally be there. I’d totally shout that. #
- Nem, after the baptism service meeting: “When we sang, [Mago] was only doing the actings of the mouth.”#
Twitter Weekly Digest for 2012-05-06
- Nem, last night: "But sometimes I forget what someone says, right as soon as quick. Even just the next time….And…what did you just say?" #
Twitter Weekly Digest for 2012-04-22
- I think it was last summer our pet goldfish Skike (named by Mago) died. The kids tried to find his buried carcass today. Nem misses him. #
Twitter Weekly Digest for 2012-04-15
- @ImaginaryZina what's illogical about elementary sadomasochism? This is simple stuff. Inflicting self-harm is fun! I'm very expert at it. in reply to ImaginaryZina #
Twitter Weekly Digest for 2012-04-08
- Any time I give Tia a hug, dear Nem perks up and runs to us, then stands eagerly on tip-toe, arms stretched up to us. #
One Thousand Times the Wonders
Me: Your world has a thousand times more wonders and distractions than mine did.
Mago: Because you didn’t have the internet.
Me: I didn’t have internet games, or games on phones, or really advanced consoles for games like the Wii. But I did have computers I played games on, and the Nintendo.
[I wish I had said: “We played Angry Birds through the snow uphill to and from school. And we liked it.”]
Mago: What computers?
Me: I had the Commodore 64.
Mago: What’s the Commodore 64?
Me: (face of dissapointment) That old computer I’ve shown you. With the giant keyboard.
Mago: Oh. What’ju play on it?
Me: A lot of things. That game “HARD HAT MACK” I’ve shown you, and a game called “ZORK” where it’s like you talk to the book–
Mago: Oh, and that game where you’re a mouse in a maze.
Me: “RADAR RAT RACE.” Right.
Mago: Wait. What’s “BLACK HAT SMASH?”
Me: Huh?…I think you mean “HARD HAT MACK?”
Twitter Weekly Digest for 2012-03-18
- Because Nem has a hard time with her Rs, she says Ws. She also transposes and copies difficult vowels, in "Dwiffewent." So cute 🙂 #
Vegetable Wars
Every day is a battle to get vegetables into Nem’s tummy. (Nem is four years old at this writing.)
This evening:
Tia: Nem, come here and get some veggies in your tummy…
Nem: Actually, I don’t very much eat those.
I chuckle.
Nem: What? What’s funny?
Me: You are.
Nem: No I’m not.
Me: I think you’re being very silly.
Nem: No, that’s not silly!
Later, I could’nt recall how she phrased her reply (to write this), so I asked her.
Me: Nem, what did you say about vegetables?
Nem: I said I don’t very much eat those…And it’s not funny. At all.
Twitter Weekly Digest for 2012-02-19
- Tia, as we watch an episode of STAR TREK TNG: "So nerdy. I can't believe you're inducting them to this." 4yo Nem: "Where's Princess Leia?" #
Twitter Weekly Digest for 2012-02-12
- @spam @MarvellaGano160 and THEN I get iphone spam (from a bot?) when I describe, via twitter, evil apps! #meta #irony https://t.co/huLP7SWb #