I’ve discovered yet another way to tickle Mago and/or make him laugh – at bed time I get close to his face and whisper in a low, I suppose strangely officious voice:
“Is it time for shleepy-shleepy-shleep?”
– And slowly try to nuzzle against his ear to whisper this over and over; I think the “sh” and “p” and breath tickle his ear. He becomes very amused, dodging his head back and forth, pushing my head back while I slowly try to advance on his ear, still repeating this. I’ll finally succeed at getting at his ear, he’ll laugh uncontrollably and finally push my head away as I give up, to which he then says:
“Do it again!”
I had forgotten this game after discovering it several days ago and at a recent bed time he requested:
“Say: shleepy-shleepy-shleep.”
He plays a game usually in the morning with Tia which he has dubbed (we don’t know why) “Bed-bed-bed”. Tia tells me now he would play it all day if he could. If she would let him.
The game is to have Tia (or me) sit in a chair with your legs straddled over air and the edge of his bed, with a gap between your legs which you hang a blanket on to make a sort of hammock; holding various stuffed animals in your lap which he requests you to make them talk. Mago crawls onto the hammock and “melts” so that he falls down between your legs with the blanket wrapping around him; he then has you put the blanket back over your legs and continue all of this over and over.
I don’t know how I haven’t written that – he’s been playing that game for many months.
Sometimes in the car (when Tia is driving) I reach my hands back from the front passenger seat to the rear and make them talk and sniff at Mago (another way to tickle), and bark and play like dogs (it entertains him very much).
Playing in his room this morning before dawn I asked him if I could play fort on his bed, putting blankets over us, which he rejected – he wants to play “Bed-bed-bed.” I said “Pleeease?” and put a blanket back over him. While he lay there I put my hands under the blanket to tickle his belly. He giggled in anticipation.
Wha.. how did the doggies get under here?