All these pictures were taken at home. I never seem to be able to get my camera out for special occasions and events, unfortunately. I have no pictures from Grampa’s funeral, or the coral pink sand dunes, or the family reunion – except the portraits I took at Bridal Veil Falls – which I’ll post on my page later, or Arches, which we just got back from. To anyone who did take pictures of those things, I would love it if you’d send them to me. To move through the gallery you can use your arrow keys, or click on the green arrow that will appear if you roll your mouse over the right or left side of the main image.
These are fantastic! I wish I had more pictures of life at home instead of just special events. And I have a few pictures of your family that I’ll send you.
Tia, these are all amazing. The lighting is beautiful and very well done. Great work.
I wish I could leave comments on specific photos. I especially like the ones with little clips in their hairsies. HA HA!
Your eye, your aesthetic, your skill, and your heart, are very impressive and just never cease to move me.
I love your kids. .. and you too! I miss you guys. Thank you for doing that photography of all those clothes. Looking at them I felt sad to think that they will be dispersed. They provided the entryway to so many hours of imagination for us. However, I think the ones we played in the most have been destroyed by our love and I believe they were discarded years ago. Is it wrong to say I love the clothes from Grampa’s house? I want them all, but I really don’t want them because they would just sit in storage and take up the small amount of space we have. I feel like I am betraying old friends letting them be dispersed. But I guess you can’t take them with you, eh?